Friday, February 24, 2012

Eagle Falls 

Something about big brow water that makes my heart twitter-pate with joy.

  To started off this day of winning I hiked down to Boulder Drop to watch Sam Grafton & Rob Mcibbin come through with style.
Click pictures to enlarge

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Words cannot describe the composure that
Sam had as he was drifting into these massive
holes.  Usually these holes are snuck on the right.  But not when your Rob status.

Rob loves his kingpin 

Sam Chesley, Dave Morales,  and I met up  with rob and Sam split rock.  after some planning we were on our way to the Foss for some laps.  Sam Grafton had prior engagements and couldn't join us.  When we reached the take out we were denied by the snow on the put in.  "Well let's go to the Tye,"  the level was great, but yet again the snow killed us.  I figured since we were up there and it was right on the side of the road, why not go check out Eagle Falls.  

This drop was definitely a good one to take the time to scout.  After fifteen minutes or so I had decided to nut up, and Rob for probably no other reason other than he was already dressed up.  Decided to charge this  highway attraction with me.

We discussed our lines one last time on our way to launch.  As I waited in the eddy at the top right I saw Rob come blazing by.  Disappearing into the abyss,  as I waited a few anxious seconds I planned my entry, and pulled out for a wild twenty second ride.

After this thirty second thrill ride we all went for a pleasure cruise down the Main Sky.

February 22 1200-100pm

wasn't gonna church this one up on ya! just gonna give it as Dave saw it


  1. Fuck yess. Who's winning now, bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Right on, boys.

  2. Thanks Brett. I couldn't find a better man to follow down it. Thanks to Dave and Sam For the safety
